關於more than words lyrics的評價, 李昆霖
我們的家教CJ要去美國讀文學博士學位,希望我幫他寫推薦信申請全額奬學金,我當下立刻二話不說幫他寫。兒子跟女兒看到我這樣做,就說:「爸爸你對CJ很好耶」 「那當然,因為我們也很幸運能有CJ當你們的家教...
我們的家教CJ要去美國讀文學博士學位,希望我幫他寫推薦信申請全額奬學金,我當下立刻二話不說幫他寫。兒子跟女兒看到我這樣做,就說:「爸爸你對CJ很好耶」 「那當然,因為我們也很幸運能有CJ當你們的家教...
OH YEAH! u can sing this song in REDBOX now !!! d...
Dash singing again! He can complete the lyrics fo...
“I learnt that I could fight my social battles th...
Nobody’s Fool ( January 2011 ) Yoshitomo Nara D...
Can we film an MV in 3 hours? In a foreign land? I...
Thank you to all those of you for reaching out an...
I'm not sure if there's a link but Ale penned thes...
剛剛的北美之行,在演出之餘,當然也勾結了不少的當地的媒體。 #lgbtqInHongKong ...
Can we film an MV in 3 hours? In a foreign land? I...